Carestream offers a wide array of imagining technology. Their radiography rooms, portable x-ray solutions, and mammography tools provide clinics and hospitals with an effective first-line treatment option for patients requiring non-invasive diagnosis. Their high-quality film and printing equipment compliments their radiography package and others. They also offer computed radiography machines for those who wish to switch from film to a digital solution. From potable xray machines, printing solutions for small clinics or much larger facilities, to dental imaging and veterinary solutions, Carestream is an ideal one-source solution for your radiography needs. Contact your medem sales representative and ask about what packages and instruments we can equip you with.
We designed CR Carestream cassettes for recording x-ray images for subsequent reading by digitizer and CR systems. These cassettes are modular and fit a variety of applications and equipment. This means that your still-functional legacy equipment can be replaced on your budgetary schedule without a loss of productvity or the need to supply multiple types of cassettes or processes. These cassettes carry the information that the X-ray machines produce for the CR-complex. Our CR cassettes may be used with various X-ray machines, their dimensions are standardized with conventional X-ray cassettes.
EHR-M3 screens are Carestream Health’s new and improved screen for mammography imaging. They yield optimal image quality with improved DQE and less noise. EHR-M3 screens replace previous generations of screen in all markets where the CR Mammography Feature is distributed. DIRECTVIEW CR Mammography Cassette with the EHR-M2 Screens will continue to be supplied and supported to continue to meet the market’s needs.